Sunday, February 7, 2010


Paul, Garey, Duane and JoAnn look up in a shaft that opens skyward.
The Stone Cabin has it's usual share of wierd geocache items out in the open.

How true

Paul looks at the outside of the mine from behind an ocotillo.

Looking for the opening we saw from within the mine.

JoAnn and Garey coming down off the hill.

Mine shaft openings all over the place.

Shaft openings on both sides.

Garey and Paul emerge from the smallish shaft opening.

Flashlights coming out.

Looking out at the real world.

The shafts down here go in every direction: up, down, sideways!

Paul climbs up an interesting shaft opening.

another shaft opening: I didn't crawl into this one!

Looking skyward

Emerging from the upper shaft

Garey and JoAnn stand below the sunshine shaft opening.

openings above and below
Garey and Paul check out the geology

Garey and Duane
Back to the entrance.
Really quite a small opening into an amazing mine.

My undies from last year, lol

Garey and JoAnns RZR from the window of the Stone Cabin
More wierd stuff in the cabin, plus the guest book

We arrive at the cabin

JoAnn, Garey, Paul and Duane take a break in front of the Stone Cabin.

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