Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Bella in her favorite place, telling me she wants to go out.
"our" street in Desert Gold RV Park. Our truck always stands out just a bit.

Looking down from my walk up the Koeble trail. Again...our truck stands out in a sea of white RVs.

Hidden amongst the rocks on the high trail are tiny stuffed toys, placed there by our friend Denny. It's a source of enjoyment for children and adults, finding the hiding places.

Love the alien!

My old friend "Chuck" (Chuckwalla) is still sunning in his favorite spot, right where we left him in 2010

This lovely old Saquaro in the park is home and safety to many birds.

This amazing desert flower garden is a joint effort of park residents. It is positively breathtaking!

Closeup of the sturdy drought resistant desert daisies

Another desert flower

You can see the rocky ridge of the koebel trail behind the garden