Friday, March 28, 2008


Looking down on the truck from our hike.
More scenery. You can certainly see why they are called the "Smokies" and "Blue Ridge Parkway"


Today we came through Knoxville TN. (not bad) and then through Pigeon Forge to Gatlainburg (BIG MISTAKE!) A gazillion people, cars, traffic lights , narrow streets, like a gigantic carnival that stretched for miles and miles. aaaargggh. I thought Paul's mirrors were going to hit someone in the head. No kidding. It took us at least two hours to cover that cussed route. Paul was in a foul mood after all that stressful driving.

Finally made it to Smoky Mountain National Park. What a relief! It's pretty today, misty and blue. I have always loved this area. So surreal and awe inspiring. The dogwoods and redbuds are in bloom.

Strange thing: the Blue Ridge Parkway (0ver 450 miles) had a closed sign on it. hmmmm...thought we'd go as far as we could. We are in about 100 miles now and still no closure. It's fantastic, we have it all to ourselves.

We are now parked at a parking area at the top of an incredible overlook, and plan to spend the night here. Took the dogs for a long glorious walk into the misty hills. They are exhausted but so happy. I even made Breezey walk for a half mile or so, lol.

Life is good!!


We are now headed slowly North East to home. A few interesting things along the way:

Flooded areas in Arkansas. (we saw an area devasted by a (tornado?) but I wasn't fast enough with the camera to get a shot of it. Tree tops were torn off like toothpicks.

A truck carrying a bunch of fun!!!
Lotsa trucks on I 40

A cropduster flying low.