Friday, February 27, 2009


Those who know us realize this is not sheep hunting, literally. Denny guided us in his powered parachute as we looked for the large band of bighorn sheep that have been spotted several times over the area known as Sheep Canyon.
Denny flying low and slow in the canyon.

The game watering area.

A "Mini Mittens"

Friends on the trail.

Saquaro ribs and brittle bush blooming.

Our guide, leading us down the trail. I just can't describe how much fun this was, and so exciting. We kept in touch by hand held radios as we scouted out the desert canyons looking for the big sheep.

What an awesome guide!

Desert flowers starting to bloom.

So pretty out here.

Denny does a low "fly by" over our RZR. (isn't this a pretty shot?)

Our guide leading us across the high desert.

A relaxed and happy pilot.

Paul looks across the canyon as our guide flies in. Denny dropped a stuffed toy dog 2 feet from me!

Denny flying into the sunshine.

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