Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Talk about a hole in one!
This saquaro cactus on the desert golf course....lol

Joann swings with style

Paul gets the ball in the air.

Garey and Joann look for a missing ball in the creosote bush.

Garey lines up for his final shot. Anything inside the sand ring is a score.

Joann and Paul wait for Mary to swing.

I actually hit the ball and left the tee. Amazing!

Whoops,Paul I think the ball was supposed to be in the air?....

Who would think you could play golf on the desert floor? Rocks, cacti, brush and ball eating saquaro cactus simply make the game more of a challenge, and much more fun!! Very few rules and lots of laughter were the theme of todays game. We had a blast.

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